
I must be from another planet..

So in this part of the country they just finished celebrating their beloved 'Carnaval'.
It's a 3-4 party with religious backgrounds. Now-a-days nobody really thinks about the religious meaning of the event, they just go out and get canned for a couple of days.
I'm not really into the whole things because of a couple of reasons:

- Music
I need music to party, that's just me. I can't do without music. And the fucked up shit that comes out of the speakers during this event is earblistering. It's just horrible.

- Intoxicated People
I don't mind having a drink, I actually enjoy having a drink. But the way people let themselves go during Carnaval is just so over the top. People are wasted at 11 o'clock in the morning.. Start doing things they normally don't do, which brings me to my next point.

- Who are you?
People you know by face or maybe even name that you normally don't talk to are now so happy to see you. Talk to you as if they always do when just last week you saw them and they didn't say shit.

- She's with me*
It's the drink and the aura surrounding the even that says, hook up with as many people as you can.. When you're in a relationship, having some drunk dude hanging in your girl's ear isn't the coolest thing to see. So you say something when his alcohol influenced mind starts to get too close, he flips cause he is (still) drunk and you end up in an arguement or fight (it doesn't even have to be cause of a girl, people just fight for no reason). NICE!

*I'm not that insecure dude checking on his girl every 5 minutes, I trust the person who I am in the relationship with, without that you haven't got anything. It's just these fucked up dudes that I don't trust. Frisky hands, lips etc.

Anyway, it's not all terrible of course. It's a chance to have fun, let your hair down and just go all out. If it was with different music, I would be out all 4 days. But this year I went 2 of the 4 days and it was cool. Saturday we went into Venlo to the Motown where they kept the music funky which I really appreciated. Then Sunday was in a smaller place and it was pure Carnaval music, that was a shame but it wasn't terrible. But I'm glad it's over..

And don't forget to download that mixtape @


V. Johnson AKA SWAVE

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