
Other Side..

What makes us want to change?
What is wrong with my current way of living?
Why does it always feel that the grass is greener on the other side?

Sit back, think about your life, you've got good things going on. You're about to embark on a new start, a new life, a new chance to make it in a direction you've barely considered.
The foundations are there, the stability from your current state and the fresh architecture of your new path, it seems to be perfect.

But somehow you can't shake the feeling of how it would be implying a few changes in your foundations. Why does one urge for something that we are not sure of, the unknown?
Is it excitement, is it boredum or is it the fact that we, as human beings, just can't sit still without doubting our own decisions (because life is to short to make mistakes)?

My writing this very short entry only empowers my urge to move into the unknown? But is it the right thing to do? This is where mind and soul clash, thought and feeling, secure decision making or spontantious change?

My unsettled soul begs for new..
My mind holds on to the current, steady flow..

What is best?

And don't forget to download that mixtape @


V. Johnson AKA SWAVE


Return to Sender

Just bumped into one of our city's "most famous" rappers.

Motherfuckers get under my skin like blood. The music is oh so bad and the're so busy with telling everyone how hard and dope they are they forget all about the quality of the material they are presenting to the public. These dudes got like 20thousand views on youtube (that's a lot for the're level) and I am so amazed. How the fuck can people listen to that bullshit???

So I look in the mirror and think, how can it be that I am so much doper than them and am playing on the same pitch. They belong in the trash, I should be rocking 500+ crowds, that's what's up!

But I won't let it get to me, cause it's about the tunes, the swaves that come from the speakers, fuck all that other shit.

One Love

And don't forget to download that mixtape @


V. Johnson AKA SWAVE


Been a while..

Give and Take..

There's more taking than giving, maybe that's what defines a regular human being.

Regular, because obviously there are a lot of amazing and outstanding people.

And I mean that in the vastest (is that a word LOL) way possible.

From art, to music, poetry, literiture (some consider this the same, and so do I really but for the people that don't ..) , sports, charity etc etc.

Thank God, for these amazing people who made this life into a dream..

If it wasn't for them the chase and persuit of my dreams would not be there, so I thank you.. All of you
And don't forget to download that mixtape @


V. Johnson AKA SWAVE